The Tide is High

I am intrigued by tidal waters. Tidal flow has a remarkable predictability and, at one and the same time, a high degree of irregularity. The movement of the fluids of the earth are affected by a number of factors. If we focus only on the oceans for a while we can make a case for…

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Chicken Soup Too!

In February of 2011 I posted the lyrics of a song by Alan Root. I could not find the lyrics that our daughters and I used to listen to on the cassette we borrowed from the library. Alan Root has since re-written the song and made it more academic and less fun, and those rewritten lyrics were…

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Brain Gymnastics

I gave myself a brain workout the other day. A song came on the radio and I thought about who the singer was. His first name made me think of another singer with the same first name and I thought about the second singer’s first and last name; then I thought about songs sung by…

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More “Crowish” Science

I have previously written about amateur science that all of us can do as we observe the world around us. In that article I commented on crows that seem to have learned to do “crowish science” and “probability predicting” in order to get their daily caloric intake from their harvest of mussels. Of course, my…

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Resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday or Easter Sunday is the most important day of the church calendar. It is the Sunday that sets all Sundays apart as a day to worship God. The first century Christians rejoiced that Jesus had risen from the dead on the first day of the week and celebrated his death, burial, and resurrection…

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Paul Valdemar Horsdal, known professionally as Valdy, is a Canadian folk musician who has been writing songs and performing for more than forty years. I remember discovering his “Country Man” album in the seventies and the couple of times I saw him in concert I was amazed with how this one man and his guitar…

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Follow-up to Observation

As a follow-up to Saturday’s blog entitled “Observation,” I offer the following quotes related to science and observation. The first two are equally true although in tension with each other. [Those] who have an excessive faith in their theories or in their ideas are not only poorly disposed to make discoveries, but they also make…

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Because I have studied science most of my life, some people will confide with me that they wish they had studied more science. I usually tell them that it is never too late to start. The convenient thing about science is that one can begin studying at any time. Science, at its core, starts with…

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The World We Didn’t Create

This quote by Eugene Peterson fits well with my own thoughts of the last few days. Before it ever crossed our minds that God might be important, God singled us out as important.  Before we were formed in the womb, God knew us.  We are known before we know. This realization has a practical result:…

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God’s Providence

I like this description of city and garden and Fall and Redemption in Making the Best of It.1 We must be careful, however, to see the Fall also in its context as just one part of the story. Some Christians instead have interpreted our current existence as if we are in a world utterly fallen,…

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