Beacon Publishing Group

Pre-ordering a book can be an excellent way to get a great book at an amazing price. The Great Beyond, formerly published by Amazon’s Create Space (now out of print there) is about to be published by the Beacon Publishing Group. It is available in e-Book, paperback, and audio book. You can save up to 50%…

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Art and Argument

“Any authentic work of art must start an argument between the artist and his audience.” – Rebecca West This sentiment is one to which I want to pay close attention as I write a second book. Since the author provides one half of the conversation and the reader provides the second half, I would do…

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The Great Beyond

Those who read this blog regularly may want to check out my latest project, a book entitled The Great Beyond. While it is a novel, it wrestles with significant issues related to how we see life, death, and the spiritual world. Here is the summary from the back of the book. Ray did not expect his life…

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Restorying Canada

The University of Ottawa, Institute of Canadian and Aboriginal Studies, put on what they called a conference and public event in May of this year entitled Restorying Canada: Reconsidering Religion and Public Memory in 2017. They invited several participants to present papers and/or speak at the event. The focus of the conference was religion and…

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More Detours

I am continuing to read Cam Taylor’s book, Detour. Chapter 15 is called “Attitude” and focusses on the importance of a positive attitude. What I like is that Taylor is not talking about a “Don’t Worry; Be Happy” kind of positivity thinking. He reminds us that A lot of “positive talk” fails to acknowledge the…

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I have been reading a preprint of Cam Taylor’s book, Detour: A Roadmap For When Life Gets Rerouted. The book has much to say to anyone who has ever faced adversity (and of course, that is all of us.) It recounts the “detour” his life took following a near-deadly motorcycle crash.  I am part-way through…

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Hemingway on Writing

For a true writer, each book should be a new beginning where he tries again for something that is beyond attainment. He should always try for something that has never been done or that others have tried and failed. Then sometimes, with great luck, he will succeed. –       Ernest Hemingway I am presently writing a…

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