The Legacy of George MacDonald
Our Lead Pastor Steve McMillan quoted George MacDonald this past Sunday. This reminded me of a few other MacDonald quotes. If we look past the male oriented language of the day, there are some good insights here. “To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.” — George MacDonald, Author of The Princess and…
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Beacon Publishing Group
Pre-ordering a book can be an excellent way to get a great book at an amazing price. The Great Beyond, formerly published by Amazon’s Create Space (now out of print there) is about to be published by the Beacon Publishing Group. It is available in e-Book, paperback, and audio book. You can save up to 50%…
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2017 in Review Part 4
I have spent a good deal of time and ink in a review of 2017 and perhaps it is nearly time to turn our gaze toward 2018. Part 4 of this review will hit a few more of the biggest highlights of the latter half of 2017. In July of 2017 I managed to publish…
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2017 in Review Part 3
Not everyone enjoys year-end reviews but there is certainly some value in looking back on our own year. I am hopeful that this guide through a year of blogs may remind you of the significant events in your year. It took watching the movie twice, but Arrival eventually became one of my favourite movies of…
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2017 In Review, Part 2
Perhaps the best book I had opportunity to read in 2017 was the book by Dennis Venema and Scott McKnight, Adam and the Genome. The authors explain the implications of recent genetic research and evolutionary theory and then seek to read the Bible in light of these implications. Everyone comes to the Bible with a…
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2017 Review Part 1
Recognising that it may take me a few posts to accomplish this, I have begun to look back over the year 2017. A year of blog posts helps me to capture the things that have been on my mind throughout the year. Life and death and what happens when this life is over are never…
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Unmerited Grace
The last ten minutes of a Steve Taylor interview on the Cultivated podcast from April 15, 2017, describes the tension felt by Steve Taylor and a great many other artists. Interviewer: “I want to talk about the impulse to be an artist, the impulse to make these things and send them out into the world.…
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A Review of 2015
I have begun to review the events of 2015 and look forward to the year 2016. I find that the best way for me to review the year is to look back at the 107 blogs I have written in 2015. My favourite blogs will tell me something about my personality and my year. Here…
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Body and Wine
I write a blog, first and foremost, as a place to work out my own faith. There are times when the best way to sort out what is going on is to spill out emotions and words. The first draft makes little sense. The edits make it a learning process. On a really good day…
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Write As If You Were Dying
There are times when I struggle with what to write in my blog. Annie Dillard is often a source of inspiration. Write as if you were dying. At the same time, assume you write for an audience consisting solely of terminal patients. That is, after all, the case. What would you begin writing if you…
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