Tiny Pluto
Click on the thumbnail photo for a larger image. A few days ago this site focused on the Cassini Spacecraft and its mission to the moons of Saturn; but, that is not all that is going on in the far reaches of our own solar system. The “New Horizons” spacecraft is due to reach Pluto…
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Saint Columba Day – Altus Prosator
Today we celebrate the life of St. Columba who died on this day in 597 C.E. Saint Columba, or Colm Cille, spread Christianity through what is now known as Scotland. He wrote several Latin poems and hymns, some of which have survived to this day. Altus Prosator (Attributed to Colm Cille, also known as Saint…
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Cassini and Hyperion
The Cassini spacecraft recently completed a close flyby of Hyperion, one of the moons of Saturn, and sent back some amazing pictures. Hyperion is certainly one of the more odd shaped moons in our solar system. Whereas people used to think Earth’s moon was made of cheese, Hyperion truly looks like Swiss cheese. The surface…
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Uncertainty and Hope
1 David P. Goldman, in an article entitled “Christianity and Myth: Why There’s No Jewish “Narnia’” says that he thinks J.R.R. Tolkien is a better writer than C.S. Lewis. Goldman goes on to say, Whereas C S Lewis tries to make us comfortable in what we already believe by dressing up the story as a…
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Live a Life Filled With Love
I have been slow-reading Ephesians 5 for a few days. There is a wealth of material packed into one chapter of this letter to the ancient church at Ephesus. The letter was written in the first century of the Common Era, most likely around the year 62 and most likely by the Apostle Paul. The…
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