We’re Just Here To . . .
Previously I have recommended the Christopher Nolan film Interstellar (here and here) and I will continue to sing its praises even while encouraging us to see it for all it is and look discerningly at its message. As the main character, Cooper, says his good-byes to his family and prepares to leave the galaxy, he…
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You have got my heart on a string. I haven’t even met you and you You have got my heart on a string. You are brightening my senses Ignoring all my defenses You have got my heart on a string. You’ve a name that makes me think light, Posies and roses, sun-beams bright Wonderland, daisy…
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Exploring Life
New Horizons, Rosetta, Mars Curiosity, The International Space Station, Cassini, Hubble, and Mars Express, many of these missions, spacecraft, and satellites have become well-known to us over the last few years. NASA, ESA, and the international space community have accomplished magnificent feats of exploration and the news media has shown us the significance of these…
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The Mercy of the World
“The mercy of the world is you don’t know what’s going to happen.” ― Wendell Berry, Jayber Crow As children, and then young adults, we start out into this world without a very good sense of who we are. The older we get, the more we realize our capacities, our strengths, our weaknesses, our gifts from God, and…
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Earning and Effort
Some of the most challenging passages in the New Testament are those related to “works” versus “grace.” Theologians have struggled to understand, and argued over, the meaning of these verses for centuries; and this debate is at the root of the greatest divides in all of Christianity. The spectrum of “divine predestination” on one side…
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