How Long?
Psalm 74:10, 11 says, “How long, O God, will you allow our enemies to insult you? Will you let them dishonor your name forever? Why do you hold back your strong right hand? Unleash your powerful fist and destroy them.” Chris Rice asks the musical question, “How long until You defend Your name and set…
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Am I Being Offensive?
I have been thinking a lot about how Christians can speak of their faith in a pluralistic culture that views truth-claims as suspect. Some Christians would say that if we are not offending anyone we are merely being “nice Canadians” who want to stay on good terms with everyone. These Christians believe that we are…
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The Mystery of Jesus
Regarding the Gospel of John in the New Testament of the Bible, Bruce Milne had this to say. “The mystery of Jesus Christ is the theme of this gospel; always beyond us, yet always summoning us to explore it more fully. . . . the Godhead will be our endless, though blissful task in…
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Thermophilic Bacteria as Great Wonders of the World
Lewis Thomas[1] was an award winning author and physician who had a way of explaining complex science in simple ways. In his essay, “Seven Wonders[2],” Lewis relates how he was once asked for his list of contemporary “Wonders of the World.” He is careful to say that he thinks it would be impossible to create…
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“Mighty God” by Key of Zed
Mighty God (Music and Lyrics by Mike Charko and Keith Shields; SOCAN 2016) (Listen while you read the lyrics) You are worthy of our praise oh holy God And our hearts are open to your eyes We put aside things of this world Ancient gates are open wide The light breaks through The light breaks…
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