Otters, Shells, and Genomes
Science News is asking questions about animal intelligence in an article about otters and tool use in a March 21, 2017 article. The article entitled, “Tool use in sea otters doesn’t run in the family,” suggests that using rocks to crack open snails and other shells to get at the rich food inside, may truly be…
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The Problem with Dark Matter
Theorists and observational astronomers alike have a problem: they can’t find Dark Matter! Einstein and others before and since have postulated that there is something out there that we can’t see. Theoretically, Dark Matter is just that, matter in the universe which is dark because it does not interact with electro-magnetic waves. Also, by definition,…
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International Space Station
(Click on this thumbnail picture for a larger image) The International Space Station (ISS) flew over my home a few minutes ago. When you know where to look it is easy to pick out of a clear sky one or two hours before sunrise or one or two hours after sunset. The ISS circumnavigates our…
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Broken and Sinful from the Start
Yesterday, I quoted Scot McKnight saying, “sinfulness has spread throughout the human race from its first beginnings and … each individual has contributed their own share to it.” Adam and the Genome (Venema and McKnight, 2017, BrazosPress). It made me think of this song by Jonathon Foreman: Broken from the Start (words and music by Jon…
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Scot McKnight on Romans 5
Scot McKnight on Romans 5:12-21 “… he is not saying that all have sinned in Adam and therefore die but instead that each person, like Adam, sins and therefore dies because of that sinning. Humans somehow inherit something from Adam, but they do not die because of the inheritance but because they sin. Perhaps all…
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