A Slow Dawn of Discovery
The moment it occurred to me is still a little foggy, it is likely connected to my appreciation for music and poetry. In Junior High School our English teacher introduced us to poetry and encouraged us to bring poems to class. One of my classmates brought in the lyrics to “Talking Old Soldiers” by Bernie…
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The Growing Season, a review
The Growing Season, Nelson Boschman, 2022 Nelson Boschman’s book The Growing Season could not have come at a better moment for me. I got to read an advanced copy before its official publication and it was sent to me on April 17th, the first day of a vacation in France and Italy. I was able…
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Imperfect Worship
Today, I sit in Florence writing poetry and a blog. I am extremely blessed to be able to travel after two years of pandemic restrictions. What a privilege to be here and see all that has gone before. Sunday morning, I was in Venice in the Piazza San Marco. I had a quiet worship time…
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I Am a Town
Most people know Mary Chapin Carpenter as a great songwriter. Her name suggests songs like “He Thinks He’ll Keep Her,” “I Feel Lucky,” “Passionate Kisses,” “Down at the Twist and Shout,” and “I Take My Chances.” Yet, you may have forgotten one of her most emotive songs, “I Am a Town.” Let me remind you…
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Technological Advance
Since the mid-Eighteenth Century, humanity has witnessed significant technological advances at an ever-increasing rate. Coal production, refinement, and consumption led to innovations in steam power to energise factories, allowing mass production techniques, and the use of large labour groups, both skilled and unskilled. In the Nineteenth Century and beyond, innovations in construction, transportation, and communication…
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