Life As We Know It
The combined information in two articles within a recent edition of Science News Journal[1] can lead to some intriguing speculation. One of the greatest assumptions of the search for extraterrestrial life is that we will likely find life where there is water. This is a valid hypothesis, for we know that life, as we know…
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The Great Beyond
Those who read this blog regularly may want to check out my latest project, a book entitled The Great Beyond. While it is a novel, it wrestles with significant issues related to how we see life, death, and the spiritual world. Here is the summary from the back of the book. Ray did not expect his life…
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“Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it.” – Blaise Pascal (French Mathematician, Philosopher and Physicist, 1623-1662) “In De l’Art de persuader (“On the Art of Persuasion”) “What is truth?” Pontius Pilate CE 33; John 18:38. I feel like I may have…
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A Note About Privacy
A recent article in Wired Magazine reviewed and critiqued the various Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered devices known as home assistants or homebots. Tucked into the innocuous article was “A NOTE ABOUT PRIVACY.” It is perhaps the most relevant part of the article and reminds us of something we have all been thinking for more than a…
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Life and Death in God’s Good Creation
God created a world in which one creature consumes another to survive. We may wish it was otherwise; we may think it would have been a better world if God had made it so that we humans could synthesize energy from the sun, but that is not the world God created. Besides which, even grass which…
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