Common Sense
I am not sure who it was that first said, “Common sense is not all that common.” Many have said the same thing in a variety of ways and Mac McAnally has a song that expresses this. “Take It Easy,” from the 1994 album Knots, pokes fun at the TV talk show hosts who earnestly…
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I have been listening to the songs on Jars of Clay’s album Inland since 2014, shortly after it came out. Some of my favourite songs on the album (I have previously written about some of these) include “After the Fight,” “Reckless Forgiver,” “Loneliness and Alcohol,” and “Fall Asleep.” (The amazing video for Fall Asleep can be…
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River Otter Education
I have previously written about how adult Osprey teach their young to fly and said that it is delicate business because they really only get one chance to try and there can be no failures. Recently, I saw some video of a mother river otter teaching her pup to swim. The pups are born without…
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Flannery O’Conner on Emotionally Satisfying Faith
Good words from more than 60 years ago by one of the great defenders of the faith. “But I can never agree with you that the Incarnation, or any truth, has to satisfy emotionally to be right (and I would not agree that for the natural man the Incarnation does not satisfy emotionally). It does…
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“Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.” ― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity I owe…
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