I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone. – Francis of Assisi Above all the grace and the gifts that Christ gives to his beloved is that of overcoming self. – Francis of Assisi
Continue readingContextual and Missional
“Church must be contextual and missional! Some church plants are in danger of disappearing into the culture. We must listen to the culture and listen to God. What are the signs that God is at work?” – Stuart Murray at Renov8 2009
Continue readingHouston, We’ve Had A Problem
In an article by Rich Schlentz entitled “Engage ‘Em or Lose ‘Em—It’s That Simple,” the author speaks of corporate America. April 14, 1970. Apollo 13 was two days into its mission when an explosion caused the spacecraft to lose oxygen and electrical power. At that point, John L. Swigert, the command module pilot, uttered the…
Continue readingBeetles and Churches
Stuart Murray spoke at the Renov8 Congress in Calgary. One of the interesting things he said was this. If we serve a God who loves beetles enough to create 350,000 different kinds, can’t we have a few more types of churches? Stuart Murray, Director of Urban Expression, UK:
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The inuksuk (also spelled inukshuk and plural inuksuit) is one of the symbols of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. In the Canadian north inuksuit have been used for many purposes. They are used to show directions to travellers, to warn of impending danger, to mark a place of respect, to mark a…
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