Our world is a place of joy, beauty, love, grace, war, pain, suffering, and selfishness. I want to celebrate all of the good things of this world but I also want to recognize the pain in which we find ourselves. We all want a better world. We all want to contribute to a better world…
Continue readingTrinitarian Bash
In Robert Farrar Capon’s The Third Peacock: The Problem of God and Evil#, chapter one, “Let Me Tell You Why” opens the book like this: Let me tell you why God made the world. One afternoon, before anything was made, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost sat around in the…
Continue readingImaginative Meditations
Meditations upon Matthew 26:7-16, Mark 14:3-11, John 12:1-8, and Luke7:36-50. In these descriptions of four very similar events, we see that John emphasizes the fact that Mary was at the feet of Jesus. On the other hand, Matthew and Mark emphasize the anointing of Jesus’ head as with the anointing of a king. Most scholars…
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Notes of appreciation to the Vancouver Police from the people of Vancouver. Click on the picture for a larger image.
Continue readingEmotions
I am a mixture of emotions today. I am very happy that the Vancouver Canucks Hockey team gave us such a great season of entertainment. I am thankful that I get to live in the great city of Vancouver. Yes, I did want to celebrate a Stanley Cup victory with my friends in this city…
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