Picking Up Dimes
In Douglas Wilson’s introduction to the book Is Christianity Good For the World: A Debate, Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson, Wilson has this to say. God knew that we were going to need to pick up dimes, and so He gave us fingernails. He knew that twilights displayed in blue, apricot, and battle gray would…
Continue readingCorrection
Proverbs 6:23 says, “For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life . . . .” Yet, at the time, correction never seems like the way to life; it seems like the way to discouragement. Harold Bullock has this to say about how…
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The Cross Around My Neck
I wear a cross around my neck. I wear it underneath my shirt and most people will see no indication of the fact that I wear it unless they see the string at the back of my neck or a small wrinkle on the front of my shirt. The cross was carved out of amber…
Continue readingWho Am I?
I used to spend a lot of time wishing I had someone else’s life. I used to dream of being a rock-star, a singer songwriter, an astronaut, a theologian, the pastor of a mega-church, a scientist, a leader of leaders, an author, a pastor of pastors, a teacher, an academic, a denominational executive, an…
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As I was heading out to catch the train at 8:00 am on Friday morning I saw the grey skies and knew that many people would be down. We Vancouverites love to complain about the weather. But then God hit me with the sense of how I first saw Vancouver when we used to visit…
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