(Click on the image to enlarge.) This picture brings to mind many science fiction stories and songs I have read and sung. I used to dream about being an astronaut and traveling to the far reaches of our solar system, then striking out for uncharted space. This is the kind of vision I would have…
Continue readingTennessee
Sandra McCracken and Derek Webb released a short collection of songs (EP) called TN & EP. On that EP is a marvelous song called “Tennessee” (listen to it here). I could not find the lyrics anywhere on the web so I transcribed them myself and checked with McCracken’s staff to confirm a line or two.…
Continue readingLeading from the Second Chair
I have been reading Leading from the Second Chair1 by Mike Bonem and Roger Patterson. The book is designed primarily for those who will lead in a church context as executive pastors; yet, the insights within the book are valuable for anyone who leads or serves in any organization. This post will not be a…
Continue readingThe Tide is High
I am intrigued by tidal waters. Tidal flow has a remarkable predictability and, at one and the same time, a high degree of irregularity. The movement of the fluids of the earth are affected by a number of factors. If we focus only on the oceans for a while we can make a case for…
Continue readingThe Unselfish Gene
Richard Dawkins wrote The Selfish Gene in 1976. It represented some of his greatest writing and was much less antagonistic toward other philosophical and theological perspectives than his later writings. The book described a gene-centred view of evolution and was not a treatise on whether or not organisms are selfish. Yet, a persistent problem in…
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