Old Stars
CBC.ca recently had an article about a discovery made by two astronomers. They have discovered the oldest star seen in our sky. Using the wavelength signature of a star, astronomers can make accurate statements about the chemical content of a given star. Knowing the life-cycle of stars allows them to then give an accurate assessment…
Continue readingFollow-up to DNA Sequencing
Now that researchers have sequenced the first human genomes and several large mammalian genomes, attention has shifted to looking at ancient people groups and mixed ethnic persons to see what genes code for the distinctions between different collections of people. The reality is that we have many more genes in common and many more common…
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DNA Sequencing
In 2003, I left the Molecular Diagnostic Lab at the Alberta Children’s Hospital to follow a call to start new communities of faith. For 13 years I had worked in the field of molecular genetics. My job as a Lab Scientist was to take the latest developments in DNA technology from the realm of research…
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Climbing the Ladder
Calgary is a fast-paced city in which it is easy to do little more than work and sleep. Stephen Covey in his popular book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, says, It’s incredibly easy to get caught up in an activity trap, in the busy-ness of life, to work harder and harder at climbing the…
Continue readingWounded Healer
Every pastor knows that they are one action away from being wounded and broken before God. We do not live on the successes of yesterday nor on the successes of today. We recognize ourselves as a wounded healer and a “beggar who gives alms.”1 In his book, The Wounded Healer, Henri Nouwen writes: Since it…
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