“Whether it’s the best of times or the worst
of times, it’s the only time we’ve got.” – Art Buchwald
Calgary’s unemployment rate reached 7.9% in
February, the highest it has been in 20 years. For many workers in Calgary,
these are the worst of times. Many have moved to other cities where the
unemployment rate is lower and many are still looking for that elusive job in
Calgary. How does one stay healthy when they are not working, but working hard
at finding that next job? Some friends and I put our heads together and came up
with this list. Although there is some overlap, they are categorized into two
groups: practical supports and spiritual supports.
be time to downsize your home or get rid of that collector car
money goes
– a counselor will have good advice on how to stay emotionally healthy
friendships, former colleagues, the guy at that coffee-shop close to your
former job
pursue your hobbies
every day, eat three meals a day
help others while helping yourself
Daily Bible reading – it should
go without saying but it does not
Daily prayer – again, it should
go without saying, but it does not
Weekly longer prayer time –
pray daily but then find those longer times once a week
Weekly prayer partner – pray
with someone else
Monthly prayer partner who is
outside of your regular networks of people – someone with whom you can be
really honest
Monthly coach/spiritual
director conversation
Annual or twice per year
solitude retreat
Meditate upon Bible passages
Meditate upon nature
Read in theology
Read practical leadership
Read the news
Read popular literature and
popular culture material
Look for mystery and wonder in
someone write and tell me what their experience has been in following some or
all of these ideas. Best of times, or worst of times, right now is the only
time we have.
is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating
enough.” – Elon Musk
on my laptop screen. I have been wondering if I agree with the entire quote.
Does it represent reality? Should it represent reality? I need to parse it out
and dissect it to see if I can acknowledge any truth in its sentiments. Allow
me to walk you through my logic.
I agree with the first sentence. Failure is always an option, a possibility, a
reality we will experience. All of us have experienced failure in one form or
another. It is the second sentence that, at my first reading, was controversial. The first half of the second sentence suggests that there is a course by which we might not fail. I do not
think that is the case. Certainly there are “safe” routes that seek to minimize
the risk of failure. Many are prone to pursue this path. They seek to recreate experiences
and write policies so that what has worked in the past is repeated and
standardized. The “let’s not do anything that might fail” philosophy is almost
as well documented as the literature on organisations that failed to accomplish
their goals because they were afraid to fail. Ed Catmull does a great job of
describing this “fear of failure” as it existed in the Walt Disney Studios before
Pixar and the Walt Disney company became intertwined.
at Disney, ‘There seemed to be undue emphasis on preventing errors; even when
it came to something as small as office décor, no one dared put themselves out
there, or to make a mistake.’”[1]
Disney Animation placed a higher value on error prevention than anything else.
The employees knew there would be repercussions if mistakes were made, so the
primary goal was never to make any . . . But seeking to eliminate failure was
in this instance – and, I would argue, most instances – precisely the wrong
thing to do.”[2]
Musk are both getting at this attitude which suggests there could be a “non-failure
route” to innovation and they indicate that it is a myth. Musk is saying that
we must have failures and perhaps lots of them to get to a place of innovation.
Catmull says something similar in Creativity
Inc. So, why am I still struggling with the overall meaning of what Musk is
comes down to whether or not we think that innovation is a legitimate goal and
a high value. After all, we might well do without some of the innovations our
world has achieved. The world was, in some ways, quite satisfactory before the
invention of the atomic bomb and was significantly less safe after that particular
innovation. Some might say that the innovative development of the internet has
had both positive and deleterious impacts upon our world. Was this type of
innovation a desirable outcome? What of the invention of the electric
lightbulb, an innovation which only followed after a great many failures? Despite
the fact that one might be able to point to some negative consequences of the
light bulb, it would be hard to argue that this innovation has not been of
great benefit to humans around the world.
innovation to which Elon Musk has been working could conceivably have some
negative consequences. It could also offer great benefits to humanity. The
reality is that humans have been innovating for a long time and they show no
signs of deviating from a trajectory of innovation. If innovation is a worthy
goal, then the statement by Musk has a significant chance of being an accurate
representation of how one should proceed. If innovation is seen as negative and
maintenance of current systems is a greater goal, then Musk’s statement is
systems can be a realistic goal; but maintenance tends to only work within
closed systems where things do not change. As soon as one introduces external
changes, an organisation must adjust to maintain balance within a new state of
equilibrium. Whether we like it or not, our world is changing; and right now it
is changing rapidly. There is good evidence that the organisations that will continue
to work will be those that are nimble and can rapidly change with the surrounding
environment. Those that stick to policies written during times of stability
will find that they are ill-equipped for the new state of the world and will find
themselves falling out of the new equilibrium. Thus, organisations must, at the
very least, respond to the innovation which is saturating the present world.
organisations will not only survive in an ever-changing world, they will
themselves become leaders in innovation and will set the direction of that innovation.
These are the ones that shape an environment and shape themselves to fit the
environment into which they are metamorphosing. They are prepared for the world into which
they arrive. Such change does not come easy. It takes experimentation, rigorous
learning from failures and successes, and innovation that remains true to the
original purposes of the organisation. In short, such organisations experience
failure, learn from that failure, develop a better experiment, and try again in
a reasonably ordered fashion, until they succeed. Success and failure are
simply two potential results for the continued experimentation. Success, or
failure, will still mean that there is work to be done.
has run its course to the bottom of the page and I find myself staring at it
once again. The sobering conclusion of this article is that I have convinced
myself that Elon Musk might be right. “Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not
innovating enough.” I am willing to innovate and I am willing to fail. I
commit to learning as I succeed or fail and, by God’s grace, I choose to
innovate and succeed in the mission toward which I am called. Elon Musk may not
understand that bit about God’s grace, but I would suggest that it is a vital
ingredient in the process. I am thankful for its ever-present illumination upon
Works Cited
Overcoming the Unseen Forces that Stand in the way of True Inspiration.
Toronto: Random House of Canada Limited, 2014.
who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F.
20th century when significant change was in the air. The rate at
which things change in our current time would be mind-boggling to this former
president. We must learn to deal with change and perhaps an ever accelerating
pace of change at least for the near future as we stand nearly 16 and a half
years into the 21st century.
challenging, life enhancing or so difficult we might wonder if we will survive
the change. In a culture of change it is only the organizations and companies
that are agile and themselves able to change quickly that will survive and thrive.
To see the truth of such a statement one has only to look to energy companies
in Calgary as they have reacted to a change in world oil prices.
in a world where we are all electronically connected and relationally
disconnected; a world where people can travel across the city or across the
world with ever greater ease; a world where leaders rise and fall on the whim
of a local, national, or international following; and a world in which
technology and media drive our monetary choices. The implications of these
changes are vast, and yet most of our churches continue to function much as
they did when JFK uttered his words regarding change. Churches do not tend to
change rapidly. They are founded on ancient words that hold principles for all
time. There is a tendency toward nostalgia and history. Few other disciplines (perhaps
philosophy is another) hold such high regard for old words as opposed to new
words on a subject. Certainly the Bible must be used as the founding document
and the bedrock for the function of churches today; yet, why should the words
of Augustine (354-430 CE) hold more sway than the words of Dallas Willard (1935-2013
reference) ready to embrace change for the sake of the ancient message? Can
methodologies and practices change while the ancient work goes on? What new
courses need to be charted? What experiments are necessary? What kinds of
intentional community need to be fashioned so that the mission of the church
survives in a world of change?
for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change
that we seek.”
― Barack Obama
be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You
can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the
best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see
things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope
you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re
proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all
over again.”
― Eric Roth, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Screenplay
How does one live when difficult and dangerous times arise? When our economy is in decline, when our politicians must act decisively, when a mother must look for work to support her family, when a man considers work in another part of the country, when fire threatens our home and livelihood, when the word "cancer" comes from the lips of our doctor, when a country has sent troops to a civil war in a far-flung part of the world . . .
The next you're dazzled by the beauty of it all
Lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time. Bruce Cockburn
2 Samuel 22:4 (NLT)
galaxy? This is certainly not a classic philosophical question like, “How many
angels would fit on the head of a pin?” Yet, this question does have
philosophical implications if you consider why planet hunters hunt planets.
Some, certainly search for planets in our known galaxy because planets are
there and we want to learn more about them; but, many who search for exoplanets
(planets outside our solar system), do so because they are interested in the
possibility of life on other planets; intelligent or otherwise.
catalogued 1284 more planets,[1]
bringing the total number of discovered planets to 2325. The size of these planets ranges from
sub-Mercury to super-Jupiter in size. Some are rocky, some are gaseous, and
some just might be habitable. Bob McDonald in a CBC News blog[2]
suggests that there are likely more planets in our galaxy than there are stars.
Take a look at the night sky and think upon that for a few moments. There may
be as many as 10,000,000,000 planets in our galaxy alone. There are more than
100 billion galaxies in the known universe. As we consider only the planets in
our galaxy we soon realize that they are too distant by today’s transportation
methods for us to visit them with anything more than a telescope, but they are
still of interest. Could any of these planets have indigenous life? Would life
there be water and carbon-based? Would it be DNA based? Or might it be so
foreign in its composition that we would struggle to recognize it as life?
Might it exist in liquid water, on dry land, or in the gaseous atmosphere of
one of these exoplanets? Would we see signs of communication among creatures of
common ancestry? Might we see foliage changes as seasons progressed? What could
we look for as signs of life; or signs of intelligent life? Philosophically,
the number of planets that would fit into a smallish galaxy appears to be a worthier
question than those regarding pins and angels.
‘habitable’ zone”; Science News, May
10, 2016;
McDonald, blog at CBC News Technology and Science; 2016-05-13; accessed
In 1998, Wayne Watson published a song called “Wouldn’t That Be Somethin’?” One portion of this song has captured my imagination for 18 years. The premise of the song is that the author is imagining what it would have been like to be a friend of Jesus when he was walking upon the earth. He says, “wouldn’t that be something?” The line that always catches my attention every time is, “I wanna be the kind of friend that Jesus would call.” Here it is in the broader context of the song:
I wanna be the kind of friend that Jesus would call
Yeah, you know if He had a telephone
At the end of the day
Just to talk about nothin', nothin' Yeah, I wanna be the kind of friend He'd wanna be around
You know without a word, without a sound
Wouldn't that be somethin', somethin', yeah
Wouldn't That Be Somethin'?
I had this dream and You were in it
There was this party and You were there
Simple evening with just a few close friends
People were pressing for Your attention You were patient, everybody could see
But all the time You were lookin' round the room for me
But hey, after all, it's my dream
I wanna be the kind of friend that Jesus would call
Yeah, you know if He had a telephone
At the end of the day
Just to talk about nothin', nothin' Yeah, I wanna be the kind of friend He'd wanna be around
You know without a word, without a sound
Wouldn't that be somethin', somethin', yeah Is that so hard to imagine
The Lord Jesus as a friend like that
Spending time in the pleasure of your company
True companion like no other You never had a friend like this
If you're havin' a little trouble believing
Come on, put yourself in my dream
I wanna be the kind of friend that Jesus would call
Yeah, you know if He had a telephone
At the end of the day
Just to talk about nothin', nothin' Yeah, I wanna be the kind of friend He'd wanna be around
You know without a word, without a sound
Wouldn't that be somethin', somethin', yeah Words and music by Wayne Watson. Copyright 1998 Material Music (Admin. by WORD MUSIC) / Word Music (A div. of WORD MUSIC) / ASCAP
Your glory is higher than the heavens.
2 You have taught children and infants
to tell of your strength,
silencing your enemies
and all who oppose you.
the moon and the stars you set in place—
4 what are mere mortals that you should think about them,
human beings that you should care for them?
5 Yet you made them only a little lower than God
and crowned them with glory and honor.
6 You gave them charge of everything you made,
putting all things under their authority—
7 the flocks and the herds
and all the wild animals,
8 the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea,
and everything that swims the ocean currents.
Exploration Agency, gave a brief update on the status of their Akatsuki
spacecraft now in orbit around Venus. You might recall that this is the
exploration vehicle that missed its exit on the way to Venetian orbit and, instead,
ended up in orbit around the sun.[1]
This orbit took it as close as 90 million kilometers from the sun,[2]
which may not sound all that close, but it was close enough to raise concerns
that the craft’s mechanics might fail due to excessive heat. Fortunately, after its close encounter with our giant ball of fire, the
spacecraft was found to be functioning well.
trajectory engineers were able to nudge Akatsuki into a suitable orbit around
Venus. The orbit is much larger than originally intended: one orbit every 9
days instead of one orbit every 30 hours.[3]
However, the onboard cameras have already sent back some impressive images of
cloud formations in the upper atmosphere.[4]
We can expect much more data and many more updates in the months ahead.
Missed My Exit on My Way to Sears,” December 10, 2015; https://www.keithshields.ca/2015/12/yesterday-i-missed-my-exit-on-my-way-to.html
survives close encounter with sun”
April 1, 2016, http://global.jaxa.jp/projects/sat/planet_c/topics.html#topics7299
grounds. Aerated by a fountain, the pond is full of life and sound from April
to October. Ducks raise their young in the pond; frogs are heard
“croaking” away in the early morning and late afternoon; and insects
mark the surface with rings as they walk across on surface tension or swim from
bottom to top. This pond is a controlled environment such that every fall it is
drained and every spring it is filled. Most creatures leave the area for the
winter; some must find ways to survive in the frozen mud or leaf and grass
litter of the pond.
types of frogs in the world and I will not claim to know what type of frogs are
living in the pond in Hawkwood, Calgary, Alberta. In fact, these frogs are so
elusive that they are mostly heard and not seen. If you will allow me to speak
in generalities, there are some interesting things we can learn about the
hibernation techniques of frogs. NASA and other space agencies have a keen
interest in studying the biology of frogs and asking questions about applications
to humans and long space flights.[1]
techniques to survive winter temperatures. One method is to simply rest at the
bottom of a deep pond or lake which does not freeze to the bottom. There, at a
constant temperature of 4 degrees Celsius, the frog absorbs oxygen through its
skin and slows its metabolic rate and heartbeat to a fraction of normal. Of
course, this technique will not work if the pond is dry throughout winter. Some
frogs migrate from one place to another to find a suitable wintering pond.
cannot use the above methods, there is a more extreme procedure. These frogs
must make a hibernaculum (plural hibernacula): a place to hide and hibernate
for the winter and prepare to freeze their internal organs. These frogs dig
down in the litter of the dry pond or burrow tunnels into the mud. Those in
burrows create a space with the mud and secretions from their bodies to make a homely
little tunnel that will meet their needs. Next, their circulatory system pulls
many of the ribose sugars from their tissues and creates an antifreeze that is
circulated in the outer extremities of the body. This antifreeze protects those
extremities from freezing and signals the heart and other internal organs to
slow down and prepare to be frozen solid. Yes, frozen solid! The heart,
kidneys, liver and other internal processes will slow and freeze to the point
that the heart rate may be as low as one beat per two weeks (beating only as
temperatures rise enough to allow some movement of the heart muscle).[2]
Then, as the sun begins
to warm the mud, the grass, and the debris, a miracle of nature occurs. Those
frozen organs and antifreeze filled extremities come back to life. Blood flows
at normal rates, hearts pump, kidneys function, and livers live! Spring, that
time of birth and rebirth, is witness to a resurrection of frogs. No wonder
they come out of the mud singing “ribbety ribbet.” Life, for frogs who have
survived minus 20 degree temperatures, is wonderful indeed. Next it is time for the frogs to find a mate, fertilize or lay eggs, and
enjoy the new life they have been given before the whole process repeats once
again. (Cue the “Circle of Life” music – or maybe the “Frozen” music – “the
cold never bothered me anyway.”) One cannot help but be amazed by these
wonderful little frog lives.
“O Lord,
what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures.” Psalm 104:24 (NLT)
“Just ask the animals, and they will teach you. Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you.
Speak to the earth, and it will instruct you. Let the fish in the sea speak to you.” Job 12:7, 8 (NLT)
Works Cited:
winter? Why don’t they freeze to death? 1997.
http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-do-frogs-survive-wint/ (accessed
frog could help astronauts conquer Mars. 04 18, 2016.
(accessed 04 17, 2016).