This week was supposed to be a week of good news for the Schiaparelli lander. It was expected that by this time, the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) would be relaying information from Schiaparelli to Earth and science experiments would be about to begin on the surface of Mars. The European Space Agency (ESA) did have success in inserting the TGO into orbit around Mars but Schiaparelli did not fare so well. Evidence points to a crash landing on Mars. ESA lost contact with the Schiaparelli craft shortly after its entry into the Martian atmosphere on October 19. ESA believes that two of three phases of the landing succeeded but that something went wrong with the third and final stage of the complex landing procedure.
Phase one of the landing was a controlled air-braking procedure in which a heat-shield allowed Schiaparelli to use the atmosphere to slow the craft and achieve a height of 10 km above the surface of the planet. Next, a 12-meter diameter parachute slowed the craft further, taking Schiaparelli to 1 km above Mars. The final phase of landing was to be a controlled burn of 9 hydrazine rockets which would fire for approximately 30 seconds and bring the craft to 2 meters above the surface, then shut-off and allow Schiaparelli to drop the last 2 meters to the surface with a relatively gentle impact.
What seems clear from the evidence gathered so far is that the hydrazine rockets fired early and did not fire long enough to allow Schiaparelli to slow to zero velocity at 2 meters above the surface. Instead, it is believed that the space-craft fell more than 2 km and landed with a velocity greater than 300 km/hr, crushing the delicate craft and perhaps causing it to explode upon impact. Images of the landing site, taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (a NASA orbiter), show both the parachute and Schiaparelli on the surface with a larger than anticipated impact site for the spacecraft.
Meanwhile, the TGO is in its expected orbit around Mars and will go through a series of maneuvers in early 2017 to bring it into a low Mars orbit where it will begin its science missions. TGO will analyse the atmosphere of the planet looking for methane that may have been generated by life on the planet in some stage of its history. Methane could be an indicator of methane-producing bacteria that may have once thrived in water on the Martian surface thousands of years ago.
Despite the set-back of a crash landing, ESA will continue to work towards putting a rover on Mars in the year 2020. We look forward to much more Martian exploration in the years to come.

In Genesis, we read that Ephraim was the son
of Joseph who was the son of Jacob. The descendants of Ephraim were considered
one of the tribes of Israel and came to be associated with the northern tribes
such that the tribe name, Ephraim, often stood in for the whole of the northern
tribes after the Kingdom of Israel was divided into the Northern Kingdom of
Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah (which included the tribes of Benjamin
and Judah). In the time of Jesus, the northern kingdom was known as Samaria and
those who lived there were known as Samaritans. The account of Jesus’ encounter
with the woman at the well explains how the Jews (Southern Kingdom) insisted on worshiping in Jerusalem while the Samaritans (Northern Kingdom, Ephraim, Ten
Northern Tribes) had set up an alternative system of worship at
Mount Gerizim (John 4:19).

The two people groups
had grown apart and developed separate doctrines of life and worship which
persists to this day in the country of Israel and beyond. They are like two
sister denominations whose differences are exaggerated despite their common
Even before the
separation of the two kingdoms, Ephraim was known as a rebellious tribe that
had a tendency to do things by their own strength rather than waiting upon the
power of God. In Psalm 78:9-12, we read of one such incidence. There we read of
the “Warriors of Ephraim” who, “though armed with bows, turned their backs and
fled on the day of battle. . . . did not keep God’s covenant . . . [and] forgot
. . . the great wonders he had shown them.”
The incident to which
this Psalm is referring is lost in antiquity. Some suggest it refers to an
incident in 1 Chronicles 7:21 and 22; but this is far from generally accepted.
Some experts in Jewish history believe that it has a much earlier setting in Egypt at a time when the sons of
Ephraim raised up a group of warriors to seek to free the people of Israel from
their captivity (before the time of Moses’ exodus). There is evidence that some
“Warriors of Ephraim” led a revolt and convinced some of the Israelites to
follow them out into the desert. They successfully overcame their captors in
Egypt but soon ran out of food in the desert and turned to the Philistines, seeking to purchase food. When the Philistines refused to sell them food, the Warriors
of Ephraim stole cattle and became enemies of the Philistines in Gath. In this
understanding of history, it is this battle with the people of Gath that is
recounted in Psalm 78. This was when the Warriors of Ephraim turned their backs
to the battle and escaped back to Egypt.
What do we learn from all of this? One
message connected to the words of Psalm 78 is a message that is recounted
throughout the Bible: trust in God’s power not your own. It is clear that the
Warriors of Ephraim trusted in their own efforts over those of God. They did
not wait upon God’s salvation and tried to manufacture their own victory over
their enemies.
We are often tempted to do this. We cannot
clearly see how God will redeem a situation and so, like the Warriors of Ephraim
(or see also Saul in 1 Samuel 13:1-14), we seek to work hard and find a
solution for the predicament in which we find ourselves. Yet, God’s ways are
higher than our ways and his thoughts are greater than our thoughts (Isaiah
55:8, 9). He will provide the way of escape and victory. He reminds us that we
are to come to him when we are thirsty and he will freely supply us with satisfying
drinks (Isaiah 55:1-5 and John 7:37, 38). All who are thirsty, come and drink
from the well of living water.

I am fascinated by the intelligence
of animals. On the farm where I grew up, we often had Border Collie dogs who were intelligent
working dogs. They were exceptional herders and one dog was capable of
finding the milk cows in the field and herding them into the barnyard on his
own. Our daughter and son-in-law have an intelligent Border Collie family pet
who knows the names of several of his toys and will go and find the “Star” or “Chain”
or another toy when asked. Border Collies are thought to be one of the most
intelligent dog breeds; yet, compared to other animal species, dogs may not
even be the most intelligent animals on the planet.

Previously, I have written about the intelligence of crows.
One of the more interesting studies reported that crows had the ability to recognize “bad guys” and communicate this information to other crows
New Caledonian crows have been shown to have the ability to make tools to aid
them in foraging for food (see this article as well).
Dolphins, another intelligent species, appear
to have methods of communicating with each other that humans cannot yet
understand. They have been shown to create tools such as bubbles blown from their own bodies for hunting and play.
They will also use naturally occurring sponges as tools for digging for buried fish.
Some apes have been shown to have complex thinking that allows them to guess where another ape will look for hidden food.
They have the ability to deceive other apes for their own benefit.
Of course, the most intelligent of animal
species is still very limited in how far this intelligence can develop. Even
intelligent dogs may be more intelligent than very small children, but the
toddlers eventually surpass the intelligence of even the smartest of dogs. Yet,
it is fascinating to see that humans are not the only species on the planet
with some measure of communicative and problem-solving intelligence. 

For a summary
of some of the research on animal intelligence, you might want to read an article that appeared in the March, 2008 issue of National Geographic.

Collection of links used in this article:


(Click on this thumbnail picture for a larger image.)

This week in solar system navigation, the Schiaparelli Lander was given the necessary software to allow it to land on Mars. Descent and soft touchdown on Mars will be guided by the commands that were uploaded on October 7thThe fact that such commands can be transmitted and incorporated into an on-board computer, more than 150 million km (9 light minutes) from Earth is a feat in itself. (Man, I would not want to pay those data roaming fees!) At the time, Schiaparelli and its parent vehicle, the Trace Gas Orbiter, were conjoined and enroute to the Red Planet. Together, these two spacecraft are part of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) ExoMars mission. Schiaparelli is scheduled to land on Mars on October 19 at 8:40 am MDT, while the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) will insert itself into orbit around Mars and relay information from the lander. The TGO will also have several science instruments on board with which it will analyze the thin atmosphere of the planet and will play a role in relaying data from other landing missions including a 2020 ESA Rover.
ESA is inviting media outlets to follow the progress of this mission including separation of the two vehicles on October 16th, Schiaparelli landing on the 19th, and summary on October 20th. The media announcement can be seen here. Watch for more exciting news in the days to come, but for now you can watch an animation of the landing on the same media webpage.

Poems and songs are always a work-in-progress and never feel quite complete. But then, I guess that is especially appropriate for poems about grandchildren – they are definitely a work-in-progress. This one is for Gwyneth Anna Mitchell born 2016-09-14.

Happy, Blessed, Grace
She is Blessed to be a Blessing
True Happiness guides her ways
Her voice speaks truth and life and Grace
Gwyneth Anna is born today
Grace, Grace, God’s Grace
Charisma will follow her all of her days
Gift from the Lord to do His work
Redeemed by the One who gave all
Ambassador for worlds unseen
Child of God and child of the fall
Grace, Grace, God’s Grace
Charisma will follow her all of her days
Blessed to see redemption draw near
To see His Grace and truth and light
New birth that shows the purpose
Shining bright in darkness of night
Grace, Grace, God’s Grace
Charisma will follow her all of her days
A name that comes from the old world
From a land of mountains and sea
To a place of peaks and ocean
To a girl who is Blessed and free
Grace, Grace, God’s Grace
Charisma will follow her all of her days
Psalm 74:10, 11 says,
How long, O God, will you allow our enemies to insult you?
    Will you let them dishonor your name forever?
Why do you hold back your strong right hand?
    Unleash your powerful fist and destroy them.”
Chris Rice asks the
musical question, “How long until You defend Your name and set the record
right?” and “How far will You allow the human race to run and hide?”
These are important
questions. For, as God allows humans to dishonor and mock his name, he must
either be patient, powerless, or non-existent. If we believe in a God who
created the entire universe, then we must understand that he is powerful and
patient. Yet, we can expect that one day he will show himself completely and
unleash his power and justice upon the earth. Let us all seek to be on the side
of right and justice so that we might not fear the power of God.
(Words and Music by
Chris Rice; Clumsy Fly Music)
How long until You
defend Your name and set the record right?
How far will You allow the human race to run and hide? Yeah
And how much can You tolerate our weaknesses
Before You step into our sky blue and say, “That’s quite enough”
Am I naive to want a
remedy for every bitter heart?
Can I believe You hold an exclamation point for every question mark? Yeah
And can I leave the timing of this universe to bigger hands?
And may I be so bold to ask You to please hurry?
I hear that a God
who’s good would never let the evil run so long
But I say it’s because You’re good You’re giving us more time
‘Cause I believe that You love to show us mercy
But when will You step into our sky blue and say
“That’s quite enough, and your time is up,” Yeah
Am I naive to want a
remedy for every bitter heart?
Can I believe You hold an exclamation point for every question mark? Yeah
And can I leave the timing of this universe to bigger hands?
And may I be so bold to ask You to please hurry?

I have been thinking a
lot about how Christians can speak of their faith in a pluralistic culture that
views truth-claims as suspect. Some Christians would say that if we are not
offending anyone we are merely being “nice Canadians” who want to stay on good
terms with everyone. These Christians believe that we are supposed to offend
others with our faith and our approach to life. They will quote passages of the
Bible that speak of us being hated because we follow Jesus and say, “There, get
out and offend others because that is what is supposed to happen!” (See
especially Matthew 5:11.)
Let’s take a closer
look at this. First, the message of Jesus Christ is offensive. (So when we
preach that Christ was crucified, the Jews are offended and the Gentiles say
it’s all nonsense. 1 Corinthians 1:23)
Jesus came into the
world proclaiming that he is “the way, the truth, the life.” He said that no
one can get to God except through him (John 14:6). Those are bold, offensive
statements in the culture of his day and in our culture today. The good news,
or gospel, of Jesus Christ is offensive exactly because it challenges us to
follow the ways of Jesus (justice, truth, and love) rather than our own ways.
It takes ourselves off of the throne of our lives and puts Jesus squarely in
control. So yes, the message of Jesus will offend.

Secondly, even though the
message will offend, we need not be offensive. It is Jesus and his message that
offends, not us. Because we believe an offensive message, we must, all the more,
seek to be gracious, loving, humble, and truthful. It is not good for me to say
that others are sinners in the eyes of Jesus without also speaking the truth
that I too am a sinner who fails daily to live up to putting Jesus on the
throne of my life. We need to humbly recognize that living by the truth of God
is difficult and that all of us struggle to put aside our own desires and place
the values of Jesus foremost in our lives.
Thirdly, as Wendell Berry
said in The Jefferson Lecture and Other
, “We cannot know the whole truth, which belongs to God alone, but
our task nevertheless is to seek to know what is true.” There must be a
recognition in our lives that, although we are seeking to know what is true, we
do not yet know the whole truth. We must recognize that our understanding of
Jesus, and the way he is explained in the Bible, is incomplete. We must choose,
like others to whom we speak, to seek an ever more complete understanding of
When we come to others
with sensitivity, love, and humility, the gospel will indeed still offend, but
it will be Jesus who offends and not us. Jesus came into the world full of
grace and truth; we must seek to do the same.

Regarding the Gospel of John in the New
Testament of the Bible, Bruce Milne had this to say.
“The mystery of Jesus Christ is the theme
of this gospel; always beyond us, yet always summoning us to explore it more
fully. . . . the Godhead will be our endless, though blissful task in the world
to come; but we can begin it now.”[1]
An “endless but blissful task in the world
to come;” here and now, we struggle to understand who Jesus is, the place of
God the Father, and the person of the Holy Spirit. Many times we are challenged
by new religious movements like Oneness Pentecostalism, The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints, and Jehovah’s Witnesses as they seek to explain
the Godhead in other than orthodox and traditional ways. Yet, most of us have,
at one time or another considered the conclusions to which they have been
drawn. The mystery of Jesus is “always beyond us.” None of us can say that we
have this mystery worked out perfectly in our mind, none of us have completed
the blissful or difficult task of exploring the mystery fully. Perhaps a good
place for us to start would be to study and meditate upon the simple, yet
sublime, words of the Nicene Creed from around 325 CE.
We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen. 
We believe in one
Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, light from light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary
and became truly human.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end. 
We believe in the Holy
Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father [and the Son],
who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen.
(Hear more on October
2, 2016 as this will be the theme for the sermon at Bow Valley Christian
Church, Calgary.)

Works Cited

Milne, Bruce. The Message of
John: Here is Your King.
Downers Grove, 1993.
Wikipedia. “Nicene Creed.” Wikipedia.
September 16, 2016. (accessed
September 23, 2016).

[1] (Milne 1993)
[2] (Wikipedia 2016)

Lewis Thomas[1]
was an award winning author and physician who had a way of explaining complex
science in simple ways. In his essay, “Seven Wonders[2],”
Lewis relates how he was once asked for his list of contemporary “Wonders of
the World.” He is careful to say that he thinks it would be impossible to
create a new list of the seven wonders of the world before giving a qualified list
of naturally occurring wonders.

The “second” of his list (if you read the
entire essay[3]
you will understand why I put “second” in quotations) is a particular species
of bacteria which thrives at extremely high temperatures. Prior to their
discovery in the 1980s, many would have suggested that life as we knew it would
not be possible in the severe environment of deep sea vents where temperatures
exceed 250 degrees centigrade. Yet, these bacteria were found to be living and
contributing to the ecosystem in just such a place. As Thomas says, it was
thought that “Proteins and DNA would fall apart, enzymes would melt away,
anything alive would die instantaneously.” On this basis, “the possibility of
life on Venus . . .” and many other places was long ago ruled out.
Then came the discovery by B. J. A. Baross
and J. W. Deming “of thriving colonies of bacteria in water fished directly
from these deep-sea vents. . . . [that], when brought to the surface, encased
in titanium syringes and sealed in pressurized chambers heated to 250 degrees
centigrade, the bacteria not only survived” but reproduced themselves
enthusiastically. They [could] be killed only by “chilling them down in boiling
water. And yet they look just like ordinary bacteria. Under the electron
microscope they have the same essential structure—cell walls, ribosomes, and
I was later to learn of the great value of
these bacteria in the work I would do in the Molecular Diagnostic Lab at the
Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary. After this discovery by Baross and
Deming, other researchers went on to isolate particular strains of bacteria
from thermal vents. One species,
Thermus aquaticus
(abbreviated Taq), contained a DNA polymerase (an enzyme which makes more copies
of a strand of DNA) that could be isolated and used in certain biochemical
reactions to amplify regions of DNA. By the time I joined the lab in 1990, it
was possible to use Taq DNA Polymerase for routine scientific investigation and
molecular genetic testing of clinical disorders. The use of PCR (Polymerase
Chain Reaction) greatly accelerated laboratory practices and led to the rapid
development of clinical testing for molecular DNA mutations. I would echo Lewis
Thomas in his recognition of these bacteria as one of the great wonders of the

[1] “Lewis Thomas,” Wikipedia,,
accessed 2016-09-12.
[2] Late Night Thoughts on
Listening to Mahler’s Ninth
; Lewis Thomas, Viking Penguin, a division of
Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 1983.

Mighty God
(Music and Lyrics by Mike Charko and Keith Shields; SOCAN 2016)
You are worthy of our praise oh holy God
And our hearts are open to your eyes
We put aside things of this world
Ancient gates are open wide
The light breaks through
The light breaks through
Nothing can separate us from love
Your light breaks through
Your light breaks through
Oooh ooh ooh ooh
We give you all of our hearts
And everything that hides within
Trusting you with every part
We confess all of our sin
The light breaks through
The light breaks through
Nothing can separate us from love
Your light breaks through
Your light breaks through
Oooh ooh ooh
Shattered by the power of Your light
No one remains the same
Exposed by the absence of night
Your all-consuming flame
The light breaks through
The light breaks through
Nothing can separate us from love
Your light breaks through
Your light breaks through
Oooh ooh ooh ooh
If my people, call my name
Humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways,
Seek my face, repent, and pray
I will hear from heaven and forgive
The light breaks through
The light breaks through
Nothing can separate us from love
Your light breaks through
Your light breaks through
Oooh ooh ooh ooh
Sacrifices you’ve not desired
Our gifts could never be enough
You will not demand our tithes
All you seek is our trust
The light breaks through
The light breaks through
Nothing can separate us from love
Your light breaks through
Your light breaks through
Oooh ooh ooh ooh
The light breaks through
The light breaks through
Nothing can separate us from love
Your light breaks through
Your light breaks through
Oooh ooh ooh ooh