Anti-matter, Dark-Matter, and Light as both wave and particle – at one and the
same time. These are the present realities of physics which even the public has
come to accept as incomprehensible, but real. How can one begin to understand a
universe that contains this many uncertainties, paradoxes, and seeming
impossibilities? Yet, this is what our contemporary mind has been trained to do
by the realities of our physical world. It did not start with Albert Einstein,
but his descriptions of the Theory of Relativity did much to train the world to
believe two contradictory truths at once. This is one of the hallmarks of our
post-modern culture and this influences philosophy and theology as well as
science. As Alistair McGrath puts it.
the doctrine of the Trinity is the inevitable outcome of intellectual
engagement with the Christian experience of God; for the physicist, equally
abstract and bewildering concepts emerge from wrestling with the world of
quantum phenomena. But both are committed to sustained intellectual engagement
with [these] phenomena, in order to derive and develop theories or doctrines
which can be said to do justice to them, preserving rather than reducing them.
Both the sciences and religion may therefore be described as offering
interpretations of experience. (McGrath, 1998, p. 88)[1]
today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8); the canon of the Bible has now been
established for many centuries and will not be changed; but theology has and
will change. Science, philosophy, and theology must change, as they are interpretations
of experience. God remains the same, but humans have passed knowledge and
experience from one generation to another, slowly building a base of wisdom and
information that allows us to relate to our physical, philosophical, and
theological world. Humans, as a collective, know much more about the universe
today than we did prior to God’s Abrahamic covenant with his people. Humans are
not the same people today as those who interacted with him in the Middle-East
or African deserts of those times. So, the unchanging God has chosen to change
the way in which he has interacted with humans. First, he chose a way to
interact with those who lived in the days of Adam and others before the Abrahamic Covenant. The details of this interaction are sparse and hard to ascertain, but
clearly different from his covenant with Abraham. Then, there are all those who
lived under the covenant of Abraham, as described in Genesis 12:2 and 3.
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”
in which God reminds his people of their obligation to obey all that he has
commanded them in the Law, and the people respond with, “All that the Lord has
spoken we will do!”
interacts with his people is the Incarnation. In this covenant, God himself
steps into history, biology, and physics, in the form of Jesus Christ,
Immanuel. The Good News of the New Testament is the covenant between God and
people who choose to follow Jesus, who is the Lord. As far as we know, this
represents the last iteration of God’s interaction with his people, before the
final judgement and the renewal of all in the definitive Kingdom of God.
not about God changing, the Bible changing, or the cultural perspective of
humans changing. This is about the information, wisdom, and experience of
humans that shape how God chooses to interact with his created beings. As humans
grow, mature, and advance in technology, God chooses to interrelate to us in
new ways.
to humans may give us cause to pause in our desire to be completely and
definitively correct in our assessments of anything in life. If science has the
potential to discover new things that shape the way we view life, then theology
and our understanding of the Bible can and will change as humans mature and
change. We should not be too quick to decide that we have the last word on any
given topic, theological or secular. Some new fact or feature may be discovered
which requires an attenuation, correction, or confirmation of our assessment.
In other words, on some given topic, we might be wrong.
Meaning of Life. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Alister McGrath, Dawkins’ God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life (Malden:
Blackwell Publishing, 1998), 88.

fortunate to have many great mentors, coaches, disciple-makers, and spiritual
friends in my life. I dare-say it would not have been possible to live my life
without these people. A full education in life requires more than just information,
it requires transformation. This is where a good friend and mentor comes into
the picture. James Houston puts it this way:
right kind of people, “teachers” are not enough… We forget that the
nurturing and caring relationship is inherent in effective teaching. Wisdom,
after all, is more than data processing. Activism that is devoted to a cause
can also be a poor substitute for relationships, because it is too busy to
cultivate friendship. The Greek philosophers were wiser when they stated that “thought
is not meaningful without action; and action is not meaningful without
friendship.” James Houston, The Mentored Life
a year in which you find one or two additional mentors in your life. I would
suggest that this would make 2017 your best year ever.

Elon Musk is a contemporary industrialist who has been compared to a real-life Tony Stark. But here are two names you may not yet have heard: Harold “Sonny” White and Zefram Cochrane. As any Star Trek fan will know, Zefram Cochrane is the fictional inventor of the fictional Warp Drive. His name or his character appears in several episodes, movies, and versions of the Star Trek franchise. On the other hand, Harold "Sonny" White is a researcher who is attempting to invent genuine warp drive technology that would allow the human race to travel to places beyond the reach of the fastest spacecraft of today. Thus, he could turn out to be a real-life Zefram Cochrane. Although you may have watched many episodes of Star Trek and other movies featuring warp drive, you may now be asking, “What is warp drive technology?”

At a
biological level, what is the minimal number of genes needed to sustain life in
an organism? That is a question that is being asked by a group of scientists
who have been engineering the genome of the bacteria known as Mycoplasma mycoides. For a few years, the team has been taking genes out and rearranging the order of
the genome within this bacterium. In 2010, they engineered a strain called
JCVI-syn1.0 which contained only 901 genes. That is a relatively small genome
considering that a typical strain of Escherichia coli (E. coli) has
approximately 5400 genes; but JCVI-syn1.0 was not yet minimal. A new strain,
created in 2016, called JCVI-syn3.0 has been developed that contains only 473
genes. The bacteria continue to live, thrive, and reproduce with only these
genes. This strain may be pointing to the basic building blocks of life and the
minimum genes necessary to sustain life and reproduction.
interesting philosophical question: “What is life?” What are the basic
components necessary to make something alive versus inanimate? These 473 genes
may define life. An interesting side-bar is that 65 of these genes are known to
be necessary for life, but it is not known what they are doing in the cell.
Further research into the function of these 65 genes will be a key area of
future research.
aspect of this research is that the researchers have been organizing the genes
into little modules and keeping genes of similar function together in the
genome. Evolutionary change has put genes in a certain order, but these
scientists have found that they can change that order and make it more
convenient for their work without detrimental consequences to the bacteria.
CRISPR technology has made the whole process simpler and led to the recent rapid developments.
a few steps closer to creating synthetic life. Of course, at this stage, researchers
are simply reassembling the components supplied by the Creator to build a
synthetic cell. How far might humans be able to go in building other cell
structures beyond these artificial genomes? Whatever one thinks of such
biological engineering, it is important to be aware of the directions in which
science is moving. There are philosophical, theological, and ethical
implications of such research. We must be ready to discuss and give guidance in
these areas as technology continues to push boundaries.

Almost two years ago, I wrote a blog about
the effects of gravity and wondered when we would have a better understanding
of this powerful force.
Earlier this year, we came several steps closer to understanding gravity when
researchers at LIGO
detected gravitational waves.
In my article about gravity, I also commented that “there may be as much as five times more dark matter
than ordinary matter in the universe.” Dark matter is non-luminous material
that does not interact with radiation (visible light and other portions of the spectrum). At least, that was the accepted understanding of dark
matter at the time; but that view has been called into question in 2016 by the
results of two experiments that failed to detect dark matter despite the
elegant systems established to do just that.
Now researchers are wondering if dark matter exists at all. This is a great
reminder that scientific theories of the universe are ever in flux. What is today
accepted as a model for how things work in our universe may, on the basis of a
few experiments, be discarded tomorrow. Now, let’s be careful here; let’s not
get confused. This does not mean that the scientific method is inaccurate. In
fact, this demonstrates that science is a powerful tool for understanding our
universe. For, if the method truly works, it will find some theories to be
correct and will prove other theories to be incorrect. The fact that these two
experiments failed to find dark matter gives us greater confidence in science,
even as they cause us to question the existence of dark matter.
in 2016, which all ranked high in the top news stories of the year,
show us that there is still much mystery to our universe. They also show us
that we can trust in the logic and methodology of science. Gravitational waves
are real, and we are uncertain as to the existence of dark matter. What might
2017 teach us?

Charko (multiple instruments, engineering, background vocals, melodies, lyrics,
and arrangements) and Keith Shields (lead vocals, background vocals,
percussion, lyrics, melodies, arrangements, social media, and promotion). The
duo has been collaborating on song-writing and performing since 2009. Their
latest release is a song called “I Remember It Well.” Keith Shields says that
the song started out as a pure love song but, in true Key of Zed fashion, it
morphed into a song about a man who is far away from his love, “paying for his fame
with memories.” The guitar style is reminiscent of 1970’s sounds with just a
bit of Blue Rodeo thrown in. We think you will enjoy this fresh kick at a retro
mood and we hope you like our latest hit (okay, I said “hit” with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek). Check out all Key of Zed music at Reverbnation. You can even download selected tracks and take it with
you on the road.
Remember It Well
Shields; SOCAN 2016)

answers most of us require. Its story of our origins and of our end is, to say
the least, unsatisfactory. To the question, “How did it all begin?”,
science answers, “Probably by an accident.” To the question, “How
will it all end?”, science answers, “Probably by an accident.”
And to many people, the accidental life is not worth living. Moreover, the
science-god has no answer to the question, “Why are we here?” and, to
the question, “What moral instructions do you give us?”, the
science-god maintains silence.”
have answers for certain questions. Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking may
wave their hands around and say that science answers the questions of “Why are
we here?” and “What moral instructions do you give us?”, but the answers
science gives do not hold up. It can’t answer the question, “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Left to the answers science gives to these questions, most people do indeed feel
like life is not worth living.
than atheism. A universe created by a Creator God is a universe with purpose.
It is not an accident and it does not leave us to come up with purpose or
morality. Perhaps the world is once more ready to embrace the story of the God
who decided to enter his creation as a fragile, dependent, helpless baby.
Perhaps the message of a God who enters creation and offers a purpose may
once again make sense.

Writing songs and poetry is a deeply
personal process that, at the same time, is influenced by many other voices.
The thoughts, concepts, and words in my head are there through a variety of
musical, literary, and poetic influences. Sometimes I am inspired to write a
song or poem about a grandchild, a friend, or love in my life, and the words
that are used are dependent upon the qualities of that person. Phrases and
concepts of other songs and stories blend with original thoughts and a song is
born. This is what it means when song-writers speak of their musical influences:
the material they have read and heard becomes part of the canvas for a new
melody, contains references to three songs by three respected song-writers.
Sting (Gordon
Matthew Thomas Sumner) wrote the song “Wrapped Around
Your Finger” about how the apprentice becomes the master. Certainly, that is
what must happen in every generation but not without some angst on the part of
both master and apprentice. There is a tension between old ways and new ways
that is recognized in Sting’s song and my own.
Sims, Gordon Kennedy, and Wayne Kirkpatrick. Eric Clapton had a big hit with
this song and it has inspired many others to write about changing the world. In
my song, the concept of “if I could change the world” is transformed to the
idea of how all of us do change the world and the hope of a grandfather for
the positive change a granddaughter might make.
the band Jars of Clay, “Revolution,” challenges us all to “be a
revolution.” Here are the full lyrics to that song. Listen to the song here.
the underground.
I want to love the world but I don’t know how.
I’ll blame it on the d.j. spinning all the fast songs,
that I can sing along.
try to sing along.
When you get the beat, grab a hammer, bang a gong.
‘Cause you don’t gotta fight or make yourself belong to be a revolution.
to play the “rock guitar,”
Throw down your guns, you’re gonna be a star.
You gotta begin with who you know you are to be a revolution.
The time is right to cross that line and let love find a way.
words then try to sing along.
When you get the beat, grab a hammer, bang a gong.
‘Cause you don’t gotta fight or make yourself belong to be a revolution.
Daniel Mason, Charlie Lowell, Dan Haseltine, Matt Odmark; Published by Universal
Music Publishing Group.