were to ask me what I thought of the movie Interstellar,
I would enthusiastically speak of some of my favourite parts and tell them how
much I had enjoyed the movie. I would give a few outstanding quotes and finish
off with the spiritual meaning of those quotes.
friend asked me what I thought of the movie Arrival
and my immediate answer was, “It was pretty good.” I guess if I was limited to
a one sentence answer, that would be it. It is easy to see why no one is
rushing to my blog to get my latest movie critique. To say the least, it would
be rather uneven.
revealed. However, in Arrival, the director
realized that one should not reveal too much about the aliens by the end of the
movie. Leaving aliens mysterious and shadowy without totally resolving their
appearance, behaviour, or motivation makes for a much better movie. Are you listening M. Night Shyamalan?!
creating a confusing ending that does not hold up to scientific investigation
and covering it with brave and convoluted dialogue does not lend itself to anyone saying, “That was a great movie!”
Arrival tries just a little too hard
to be clever. Yes, the ending of Interstellar
was about time tripping and seeing beyond the constraints of time and space, but
it made sense in the movie. There was a natural progression of the characters
grasping more and more of this dimension of the universe. It was not a surprise
when they got to the point of omni-chronology. You cannot say the same for Arrival. Arrival flows along as an interesting revelation about sociology,
war, history, and the nature of espionage and violence before suddenly plunging
us into the world of “the future is now” and “yesterday I heard you speak those
words that you will say for the first time tomorrow.” It is just too much to
take in, in the last few moments of the film.
still highly recommend Interstellar, Oblivion, and even Signs (mostly for the scare factor) ahead of Arrival. It seems odd that Arrival is getting so much Oscar
attention. Perhaps the Academy saw something I didn’t.

can be keen social commentators that help us see the bigger picture of issues
in our world. They may comment in cryptic and sometimes crude ways, but it is
worthwhile hearing what they say. The Eagles wrote and performed a song for the
2007 album, Long Road Out of Eden. The
lyrics of “Frail Grasp on the Big Picture” speak of reacting in the moment, being driven by emotions and desires,
but failing to grasp the “big picture” of what is happening in the world. The
bridge of the song is particularly telling as it speaks of how we may be
tempted to treat God. Do we only pray to him with our own provincial interests in mind? Do we ask him to help us and then
turn away from his will for our lives?

of his 1984 album Celebrate This
Heartbeat. The title song reminds us that every day is a gift from the Lord. I encourage
you to enjoy the entire, two hour, Living Room Concert and to “look toward
tomorrow cause the past is gone.” The lyrics of “Celebrate This Heartbeat”
follow and you can listen to the song here.
1Timothy 6:17-19 and was reminded of verse 19 that encourages us to “experience
true life.” Stonehill says something similar when he says that he only wants “live
the real thing.” I encourage us all to experience true life and live the real
Celebrate This HeartbeatI’m gonna celebrate
this heartbeat
Cause it just might be my last
Every day is a gift from the Lord on high
And they all go by so fastI’m not shy, I won’t hide
The happy way I feel inside
There’s a love light shining down on me
And it’s true, I can’t lie
There is more to life than meets the eye
So I want to live each moment faithfully, yeahI’m gonna celebrate this heartbeat
Cause it just might be my last
Every day is a gift from the Lord on high
And they all go by so fast
So many people drifting in a dream
I only want to live the real thing
I’m gonna celebrate this heartbeat
And keep movin’ on
Look toward tomorrow cause the past is goneIf I laugh, it’s no crime
I’ve got great news on my mind
It’s a hope that never fades way
Now I don’t understand
All the mysteries of the master plan
But I’m sure the Master does
So that’s okay, yeahI’m gonna celebrate this heartbeat
Cause it just might be my last
Every day is a gift from the Lord on high
And they all go by so fast
So many people drifting in the night
(Lonely people in the night)
I’m gonna keep the Morning Star in sight,
Celebrate this heartbeat and keep movin’ on
Look toward tomorrow cause the past is goneThis world is in so much trouble
All of the sadness can break you down
But if you’re ever going to change it
You must show them the love you’ve foundHey now, every day is a gift from the Lord on high
And they all go by so fast
So many people drifting in a dream
(Find the life that love can bring)
I only want to live the real thing
I’m gonna celebrate this heartbeat
And keep movin’ on
Look toward tomorrow cause
The past is gone
I said the past is gone
Yeah, you know the past is gone
Oh yeah, oh, the past is gone
Movin’ onWritten By Randy Stonehill
© Copyright 1984 by Stonehillian Music &
Word Music (a division of Word, Inc.)

sin is man substituting himself for God, while the essence of salvation is God
substituting himself for man. Man asserts himself against God and puts himself
where only God deserves to be; God sacrifices himself for man and puts himself
where only man deserves to be.”

Now St. Peter?” is a song that I have been listening to for about 4 decades.
There is much I like about the song and its meaning continues to intrigue me.
It is a song about death and what comes after death, written by Bernie Taupin
and Elton John. Taupin provided the evocative lyrics while John wrote the music
and contributed to the overall mood of the song with his arrangement. It was first
published on Elton John’s album, “Tumbleweed Connection.”
Elton John at his best and Bernie Taupin’s lyrics are filled with American
Civil War allusions. In “Where to Now St. Peter?” Taupin was likely thinking of
the fate of a soldier who died on the battlefield. Of course, any song about
what comes after death will be filled with imagination; and Taupin draws on
Christian and non-Christian influences as he seems to be wrestling with his own
mortality and destination beyond this life.
who Taupin had to speak to as he pondered such ultimate questions. Certainly,
his study of American Civil war history would have informed his
consciousness regarding the religious beliefs held by both Confederate and
Union soldiers. Many of those men would have been Christians or would have
understood the basic teachings of the church in their day. Does he have a
friend who could explain this route at a deeper level?
to the words of a song like this and trying to understand their meaning can be beneficial
for anyone. The lyrics bring us to terms with our own understanding about the
themes the author is addressing. The lyrics of “Where to Now St. Peter?” follow
with a few of my own thoughts afterward.
(Words and music by Bernie Taupin and Elton John; copyright 1970)
And I floated like a leaf
Dazzling, dancing
Half enchanted
In my Merlin sleep
Restless were my eyes
Insane they took the paddles
My arms they paralysed
If it’s true I’m in your hands
I may not be a Christian
But I’ve done all one man can
I understand I’m on the road
Where all that was is gone
So where to now St. Peter
Show me which road I’m on
It took a sweet young foreign gun
This lazy life is short
Something for nothing always ending
With a bad report
Sudden was the change
In such a silent place as this
Beyond the rifle range
If it’s true I’m in your hands
I may not be a Christian
But I’ve done all one man can
I understand I’m on the road
Where all that was is gone
So where to now St. Peter
Show me which road I’m on
Which road I’m on
such an epic song as this I do want to be careful with my interpretations, and
so I will offer a few minimal insights. The reader may certainly listen and
make their own interpretations as it interacts with ideas already in the mind
of the listener.
is represented by taking a “blue canoe” on a slow-moving river. This could be a
reference to the River Styx or just a metaphor for the moments between life and
death? Does “blue” indicate an emotion or death at the hands of a Union
Soldier wearing the blue coat? Most of the songs on the album represent the
perspective of the Confederate Soldiers and so this latter explanation is
certainly a possibility.
singer asks St. Peter to tell him which road he is on. Is he on the road to
heaven or to hell? The soldier knows that he has not lived his life as a
Christian but rather as a man who tried to do the right thing. He did what was
humanly possible. He is now asking where that will lead him and where his blue
canoe will land. For the listener and for Taupin, the answer lies in the words of St.
Peter himself found in the third chapter of Second Peter in the Bible: an answer for all
who have ears to hear.
soldier understands that he is on the road “where all else is gone.” There is
no turning back at this point; there are no mulligans. In this silent space,
things move slow, but flow only in the direction of the final decision for this
man’s life. “Where to now St. Peter?” will be answered. The soldier will discover which
road he is on.
(You may also enjoy the Ann Wilson and Elton John recording posted here.)

is becoming more secular; a disputable, but defendable statement. We are told
that more people than ever have become religious
nones. That is, there is an increase in the number of people who reject a
belief in God, creation, spirituality, and purpose. They insist that the
universe happened by chance, has no purpose, and will come to an end by chance.
They reject a Christian faith, a Muslim faith, a Jewish faith, a Hindu faith, a
Buddhist faith, and any other type of faith in something higher than the physical
properties of a temporary – or eternal – universe. This is the truest form of
secularism. These religious nones find
meaning, if they find meaning at all, solely in living life passionately,
sincerely, and authentically, according to their feelings.[1]
Whether they know it or not, they are disciples of Existential Thought of one
form or another. They assert that morality does not fundamentally
exist, and that any established moral values are theoretically contrived. Some
may even claim to be religious and ascribe to a faith, while functioning as if
their own existential world was all that mattered.
nones live passionately, sincerely, and authentically, we are saying that they live sincerely according to the authentic passions they feel at any
given moment. Those feelings tend to change from moment to moment and, as such,
are extremely relative to the situation.
to use immoral means to get what they desire out of life? Do more people today see
others succeeding by operating by violent or immoral means? Do some grab all
they can get from this world by any means possible believing that others will
do so if they don’t?
from the foundations of faith and the moral principles within the religions of
the world, we can expect to see more amoral people, and more immorality, and
even violence as people live out their unfettered passions.
be another increase. Many of us will live to see a return to faith. The values
and morals of another age are deeply rooted in the faith of our fathers and
mothers. I believe that we will see many return to a belief in God and a trust
in his authority and power. Let us not despair but instead choose to be at the
forefront of a movement back to the Creator; a spiritual remnant.

another always puts me in an introspective and creative mood. Today, I find
myself quoting the lyrics of a favourite song with a sentiment about death and
favourite jukebox
of my friends
rain tight under my collar
hubcap stream
the rusted needle
warped 45s
barrel-house piano
light of a radio sky
porous marrow
and the chevron geese
tricks of the trade-winds
song ends sounding revile
the rusted needle
warped 45s
barrel-house piano
light of a radio sky
the moon is a howling perfume
barefoot on my grave
the rusted needle
warped 45s
barrel-house piano
light of a radio sky
favourite jukebox
of my friends.
headstone that plays music? What music would I put in such a headstone? What
music would you place in there? I am afraid that it would have to be my
favourite music and I’d simply pray you would enjoy my selections. I could not
do otherwise. . . I suppose I would put my entire CD and iTunes collection on
the device and leave the legal details to my estate. Certainly, I would put the
entire Key of Zed portfolio in there, highlighted, promoted, and prioritized.

wrote these words around 1944 while he was imprisoned by the Gestapo in Nazi
Germany. He would later be executed as a traitor against the Nazi regime.
as though it were an end in itself, and has thereby lost its chance to speak a
word of reconciliation to humanity and to the world at large. So our
traditional language must perforce become powerless and remain silent, and our
Christianity will be confined to praying and doing right to our human brothers
and sisters. Christian thinking, speaking and organizing must be reborn out of
this praying and this action… It will be a new language… the language of a
new righteousness and truth, which proclaims the peace of God with humankind
and the advent of his kingdom.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison
the case today that the church is fighting for self-preservation as though it
were an end in itself? Are we presently speaking a word of reconciliation to
humanity? Is it still a time in which we must remain silent other than to pray
and do right by our human brothers and sisters? What would it look like if we
were to truly “do right to our human brothers and sisters?” Dear Lord, please
show us how to be your church in 2017.

I saw the
movie Sully when it came out in the theatres and now with the relaxed pace of
the Christmas season, I could watch it again with my wife, our daughter, and
son-in-law. It is a well-directed movie about an incident in which a plane lands
on the Hudson River in New York City. The pilot had just taken off from LaGuardia
airport when they struck multiple Canada Geese in the air and lost both
engines. Two engine loss was unprecedented at the time. The movie follows the
investigation into the crash and flashes back to the incidents that led up to
the water-landing and the rescue of the 155 on board. All 155 were saved with
only minor injuries, but the pilot, Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, was
questioned because the aviation safety board was not convinced that the
water-landing was the best option for the ill-fated flight. The officials
questioned whether Sully should have tried a landing at LaGuardia or Teterboro
airport in New Jersey.
eventually exonerated and praised for his landing of the plane on the Hudson
River. At one point in the movie, the woman member of the National
Transportation Safety Board (TSB), Elizabeth Davis, praises Sully and says that
he is the reason that 155 people are alive. Sully says, “I disagree, it was all
of us.” He recounts how together as a team, he, his co-pilot, the flight
attendants, the passengers, the rescue workers, the ferry workers, and others
had managed to work together to save 155 lives. It is an inspiring moment in the
film in which the pilot, even after he had been vilified by some at the TSB,
could point out the importance of teamwork. I wonder how well I would have done
in similar circumstances in which I had been questioned and told that I had
done something wrong. When I was finally absolved of any wrong-doing and
instead praised, would I have had the presence of mind to tell others that it
was a team effort? Or would I have taken all the praise for myself?
better moments, most of us do recognize the team. We know that whatever
accomplishments we achieve, we are standing on the shoulders of those who have
gone before us and there are a great many people who help us to accomplish the
things we do. Let us pray that, even in the difficult moments, we will always
recognize the importance of the team.