Two recent developments in science could leave us asking the
question, “What does it mean to be human?” First, the October 19 edition of the
journal Nature reports on a remarkable computer program that taught itself how to play the ancient game called Go.
Programmers set up the algorithms which included the structure and rules of the
game and then turned the Artificial Intelligence (AI) program loose on playing
the game against itself. In a matter of days, the computer had become skilled
enough to beat human champions and other computers. This is unique because all
previous AI programs have learned the game by studying the moves of expert
human players. AlphaGo Zero, as this latest program is called, achieved mastery
of the game without human training. The implications of this program go far
beyond the world of gaming. Might we one day be able to give an algorithm a
list of circumstances and resources and set it off to find the best solutions
to complex mathematical, engineering, and biological health questions? Might
artificial intelligences one day solve such problems as how to build a better
airplane, how to solve famine in places of high need, how to understand gravity
and its complex relationship with time and space, or might AIs one day give us
world-wide peace?
in a minute; now let’s turn to another remarkable report from the October 5
edition of the journal Science. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute have discovered that “about 1.8 to 2.6 percent of DNA in non-Africans is from … ancient human-Neandertal interbreeding.” That is approximately “10 to 20 percent more
Neandertal ancestry” than previously estimated. The researchers went on to discuss
human behavior and health risks which may be mediated by this significant
amount of Neanderthal (NT) DNA.
number of ways; however, today, I would like to focus on the one question
disclosed in the title of this article: “What makes humans human?” If
artificial intelligence programs can, “on their own,” learn to play human games
and master them better than the best human players, and if we humans of
European descent are an interesting admixture of human and non-human (Neanderthal)
DNA, what is it that truly sets us apart as human?
consider ethical questions of the future. Are AI programs conscious? What
happens when we turn off or destroy AI hardware? If humans add to or subtract
from DNA in the human genome using CRISPR technology, are the resulting humans
still human? What if we were to add animal DNA or plant DNA to the human
genome? How far would we have to go before people began to question the
humanity of the resulting persons?
discussed, argued about, and looked for answers to questions about the nature
of the Imago Dei, the image of God in humans. Science starts with pieces of
scientific data and assumptions about the limits of human understanding relying
only on empirical data. Philosophers allow for the influence of ideas beyond
scientific datum that flow out of the consciousness of humans. Theologians
welcome scientific, philosophic, and revelatory information and believe that God
speaks through the book of Nature and the book of the Bible.
learn more and more about the nature of our humanity, it will be important to
remember the ancient words of God found in the Bible. Christians and
theologians will certainly wish to make this a starting point for any
discussions on the nature of humanity:
So God created human beings in his own image.
In the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them. – Genesis 1:27 (NLT)
of humanity seem unstable, these words provide an anchor point for the
discussions to come.

Part of my morning routine is to read my Bible. This morning I read Job 4, Psalm 20, and 2 Corinthians 5. There is a natural progression to the words I found this morning.
think! Do the innocent die?
When have the upright been destroyed?”
4:7, NLT)
and condemn me just to prove you are right?
Are you as strong as God?
Can you thunder with a voice like his?
All right, put on your glory and splendor,
your honor and majesty.
Give vent to your anger.
Let it overflow against the proud.
Humiliate the proud with a glance;
walk on the wicked where they stand.
Bury them in the dust.
Imprison them in the world of the dead.
Then even I would praise you,
for your own strength would save you.”
and all who will listen (Job 40:8-14, NLT)
The unfailing love of the Most High will keep him from
Your strong right hand will seize all who hate you.
You will throw them in a flaming furnace
when you appear.
The Lord will consume them in his anger;
fire will devour them.”
trust in Him (Psalm 20:7-9 NLT)
and no one can stop you.
questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’
It is I—and I was talking about things I knew nothing
things far too wonderful for me.”
42:2, 3, NLT)
long as we live in these bodies we are not at home with the Lord. For we
live by believing and not by seeing. Yes, we are fully confident, and we
would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home
with the Lord. So whether we are here in this body or away from this body,
our goal is to please him. For we must all stand before Christ to be
judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have
done in this earthly body.”
Corinthians 5:6-10, NLT)
through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” For God
made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we
could be made right with God through Christ.”
follow Him (2 Corinthians 5:20, 21)
because “God never allows the innocent to die or the upright to be destroyed.”
God’s words to Job and Eliphaz, in Job 40, make it clear that God is a God of
justice. God will always be on the side of the innocent and upright; but this
does not mean that the innocent and upright will not suffer or die. In Psalm
20, God makes it clear that, one day, all will be made right and the enemies of
the innocent and the enemies of the upright will be judged. In Job 42, Job
recognizes that his understanding is limited and that no one can know the
complete mind of God. God’s mysteries, still hidden from humans, are like the
mysteries of the depths of the ocean and the far reaches of the universe.
innocent die, they are only trading their earthly bodies for eternal bodies. We
can trust that all will receive justice and those who have trusted in the
sinless Son of God will be made right in Him. That is good news worthy of telling
a hurting and broken world. Praise be to God.

The Finish Line
(Words and Music by Steve Taylor)
Once upon an average morn
An average boy was born
For the second time Prone upon the altar there
He whispered up the prayer
He'd kept hid inside The vision came, he saw the odds
A hundred little gods
On a gilded wheel
"These will vie to take your place,
But Father, by your grace
I will never kneel" And I saw you, upright and proud
And I saw you wave to the crowd
And I saw you laughing out loud
At the Philistines And I saw you brush away rocks
And I saw you pull up your socks
And I saw you out of the blocks
For the finish line Darkness falls, the devil stirs
And as your vision blurs
You start stumbling The heart is weak, the will is gone
And every strong conviction
Comes tumbling down Malice rains, the acid guile
Is sucking at your shoes
While the mud is fresh
It floods the trail, it bleeds you dry
As every little god
Buys its pound of flesh
And I saw you licking your wounds
And I saw you weave your cocoons
And I saw you changing your tunes
For the party line And I saw you welsh on old debts
I saw you and your comrades bum cigarettes
And you hemmed and you hawed and you hedged all your bets
Waiting for a sign Let's wash our hands
As we throw little fits
Let's all wash our hands
As we curse hypocrites We're locked in the washroom
Turning old tricks
Deaf and joyless
And full of it The vision came, he saw the odds
A hundred little gods
On a gilded wheel "These have tried to take your place,
But Father, by your grace
I will never kneel
I will never kneel"
Off in the distance, bloodied but wise
As you squint with the light
Of the truth in your eyes And I saw you, both hands were raised
And I saw your lips move in praise
And I saw you steady your gaze
For the finish line Every idol like dust
A word scattered them all
And I rose to my feet
When you scaled the last wall
And I gasped
When I saw you fall
In his arms
At the finish lineLord help me each day to reach for the goal; and, at the beginning of all days ever after, may I reach the finish-line.

or one of unthinkable horror.”
him? Well, first he had to decide who he was himself. Was Ray the good guy or
the bad guy in this TV series? Was he the victim or accused? Indeed, he was
both, and eventually that is how he answered.”
their rescue consists in being put back on the right road. A sum can be put
right: but only by going back til you find the error and working it afresh from
that point, never by simply going on. Evil can be undone, but it cannot
‘develop’ into good. Time does not heal it. The spell must be unwound, bit by
bit, ‘with backward mutters of dissevering power’ –or else not.”
C.S. Lewis, The Great Divorce, 1945.

Key of Zed has recorded a new song. (Check it out here.)
(Lyrics and Music by Mike Charko and Keith Shields)
I called you up to see how you were
So you think that I still care
Don’t get me wrong, I’m movin’ on
With a part of me still there
Asheville’s pretty this time of year
And I want to be there with you
But you left me at the altar
With tears in my eyes, feeling just like a fool
Said you needed some more time
Just a little bit more time
To live on the wild side of life
But you’ve got me going out of my mind
Getting you off my mind
Carolina in the spring time
I don’t want to be someone’s fool
Carolina in the spring time
I don’t want to be on my own
Asheville’s pull is calling me back
Like a magnet to the north
I hope that guy is good to you
If he knows a violet’s worth
(Instrumental bridge)
I hear there’s a job in East Tennessee
With a bunch of working men
A foundry is good for singing the blues
When your heart is cracked and bent
Maybe I need some more time
Just a little bit more time
To find a new kind of life
But you’ve got me going out of my mind
I can’t get you off my mind
Carolina in the spring time
I don’t want to be someone’s fool
Carolina, scent of Jasmine
I don’t want to be on my own
Carolina with the flowers
I don’t want to be someone’s fool
Carolina in the spring time
I don’t want on my own
(Registered with SOCAN and SAC)

became aware of one of the great moments in music history. On May 1st,
1986, two music legends became entangled in the delicate business of admiration
for one another and self-promotion. In 1986, Rich Mullins was an upstart
singer-songwriter with a solo career. Amy Grant had recorded one of his songs
(Sing Your Praise to the Lord) in 1981 but his own career as an artist had not
yet taken off. So, in 1986, Rich Mullins decided to write a letter to Steve
Taylor. At the time, Steve Taylor was a rising star in the Christian Music
industry. His album, Meltdown was
released in 1984 and the title track, “Meltdown (at Madame
Tussauds)” was played on MTV. By 1986, Taylor had received a Grammy
nomination and had released the album, On
the Fritz.
much and so he decided to catch his attention. The letter he wrote tells us
something about Mullins’ personality, humor, and desire to succeed in the music
business. Here is what he wrote:
is some clumsiness in giving someone a tape of yourself. It’s like saying to
them “listen to me because I want you to like me” and so then you get stuck
with the chore of responding under conscription. Sorry. But, here’s my tape
will do you this favor that I will tell you that I have appreciated your stuff
before you ask. Ok – so it may be presumpuous (sic) of me to think that you
have any concern about how I feel or what I think about your music – but as an
artist I know that it is good to hear an encouraging word from just about
anybody. So just think of it like that because that’s how it is. And if it lets
you off the hook any, I gave another tape to a security guard and I hope he
likes it too.
you for being someone whose approval means much. It is good that you are in
this world.
I wish I knew what Steve Taylor did with the tape he
received from Rich Mullins. Perhaps I will be able to sleuth out some more
details and post them in a future blog. Yet, simply as this letter stands, it
represents a great moment in music history.

Psalm 3 a few days ago I was struck by two things: the dangers familiar to the writer
of the psalm and the dangers of my life. The psalmist lived in a time of
constant war in which any one of his many enemies might be lying in wait or planning
his demise. He had physical enemies that carried swords, knives, spears, and
other weapons of destruction. The writer laments that he has so many enemies
and that many are saying, “God will never rescue him!” Then he is reminded that
the Lord is “a shield around [him]; [his] glory, the one who holds [his] head
high” and he is comforted. He knows that if he cries out to the Lord, he will
answer. He will provide him with safety. Suddenly, he is not afraid of even ten
thousand enemies. He knows that his Lord will slap his enemies in the face and “shatter
the teeth of the wicked.” He knows that ultimate victory comes from the Lord.
He trusts that the Lord will bless those who trust in him.
in my life are different. I fear cancer. I fear financial ruin. I fear a catastrophe
in my career. I fear loss of my marriage partner. I fear that I might mess up
relationships with my kids. These are the enemies of my world. How will God
respond to my enemies? I can trust him to take care of my enemies just as King David
did. The Lord is a shield around me as well. He is my glory and the lifter of
my head. As I cry out to him, he will rescue. I need not fear even ten thousand
of these enemies. I may not understand what it means for the Lord to “slap
cancer in the face” or “shatter the teeth of financial ruin,” but I can trust
that the Lord has it under control. I need not fear. The Lord is in control.
so many are against me.
So many are saying,
“God will never rescue him!” Interlude
you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.
I cried out to the Lord,
and he answered me from his holy mountain. Interlude
yet I woke up in safety,
for the Lord was watching over me.
I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies
who surround me on every side.
Rescue me, my God!
Slap all my enemies in the face!
Shatter the teeth of the wicked!
Victory comes from you, O Lord.
May you bless your people. Interlude

Staring long at a chess game
Looked like it was half-played
Then his tear splashed between
The bishop and the king…oh
He turned his face to mine
I saw the Question in his eyes
I shrugged him half a smile and walked away
It made me sad, and it made me think
And now it makes me sing what I believe
fragile planet rolling
Tilting at our perfect twenty-three
Molecules and men infused with holy
Finding our way around the galaxy
And Paradise has up and flown away for now
But hope still breathes and truth is always true
And just when we think it’s almost over
Love has the final move
Love has the final move
To her daughter in her pale arms
Walkin’ through a rainstorm
little girl
It’s gonna be a better world”…oh
She turned her face to mine
I saw the Answer in her eyes
I shrugged her half a smile and walked away
It made me smile, and it made me think
And now it makes me sing what I believe
fragile planet rolling
Tilting at our perfect twenty-three
Molecules and men infused with holy
Finding our way around the galaxy
And Paradise has up and flown away for now
But hope still breathes and truth is always true
And just when we think it’s almost over
Love has the final move
Love has the final move
But love has been here all along)

was I created?” or, “For such a time as this?”
majority culture as well as contemporary church culture will often encourage us
to explore the gifts and abilities that make us who we are and challenge us to
do those things for which we are uniquely created. That is, we are told to find
out who we are and the thing for which we were created. We are told that true
fulfillment in life is only found in doing those things for which we have been created
as if there was only one thing we could do. I have certainly espoused this
philosophy, and, indeed such an approach has validity.
However, today I
would ask us to consider another way of looking at these things. There are
times when we need to consider whether we have been made, “for such a time as
this.” In the ancient book of Esther (written in approximately 330 BCE),
Mordecai asks Esther to consider if it is not “for such a time as this” that
she has been made queen in the courts of King Xerxes (Esther4:14). This was the
appropriate question for her and may sometimes be the question for our lives.
We are placed in a world that needs truth and grace – justice and love – and
there are judicious times when you or I may be the perfect person to be the
expression of God’s love in our world. It is a question worth asking ourselves:
“Am I here for such a time as this?”

a complicated relationship with faith and religion. Some of the things he said
show that he had faith that guided him toward truth and understanding. For
Einstain, faith was a source of feeling and rationality. Yet, his concepts of
faith were not organized as a particular faith such as faith in Jesus. He seems
instead to believe in a much more generic faith that guides the scientist.
religion may be that which determines the goal, it has, nevertheless, learned
from science, in the broadest sense, what means will contribute to the
attainment of the goals it has set up. But science can only be created by
those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspiration toward truth and
understanding. This source of feeling, however, springs from the sphere of
religion. To this there also belongs the faith in the possibility that
the regulations valid for the world of existence are rational, that is, comprehensible
to reason. I cannot conceive of a genuine scientist without that profound
faith. The situation may be expressed by an image: science without
religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” – Albert Einstein[1]
than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of
honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty
childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this for me.” – Einstein
in a letter written in 1954.
mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine
religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and
blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge. In this sense I
believe that the priest must become a teacher if he wishes to do justice to his
lofty educational mission.[2]
or philosophical bent; God is the only true judge, full of grace and truth. It
seems to me that Einstein was a seeker: a seeker of knowledge wherever he might
find it. Certainly, he had his own cultural biases and blinders which kept him from
looking in certain directions. Despite the high pedestal on which he sits in
our culture, he was human like everyone else. He has taught us much about
science and I believe he can also teach us something about the way we seek
knowledge. Knowledge may be found in any area of life: science, religion,
philosophy, faith in the ways of the Bible, and faith in Jesus Christ. I will choose
to seek truth in every area of life.
“Science and Religion,” Ideas and Opinions, pp.41 – 49; published
in Out of My Later Years, New York:
Philosophical Library, 1950. http://einsteinandreligion.com/scienceandreligion.html
“Science and Religion,” Ideas and Opinions, pp.41 – 49; published
in Out of My Later Years, New York:
Philosophical Library, 1950. http://einsteinandreligion.com/scienceandreligion.html