About Keith
Keith Shields is a leader and mentor who encourages others to take their next step in the journey toward purpose. Keith is a “big picture” leader who, like many others, has come to understand that the important things in life require intention. Over the years, he has garnered attention and expertise in diverse areas of experience.
He has been an Executive Pastor for Bow Valley Christian Church in Calgary, a Lab Scientist in the Molecular Diagnostic Lab of the Alberta Children’s Hospital, and an entrepreneurial Church Starter in Calgary and Vancouver. He is an Executive Coach and Coach Trainer for Logan Leadership, a Consultant to Churches and Non-Profit Organisations with Vision Ministries Canada, an Advanced Transitional Pastor with the Transitional Leadership Network, and in all of these enterprises a listener, counselor, and pastor. He has blogged for more than ten years, authored three books, and is always working on the next idea. He writes songs with his collaborators in the band, Key of Zed, and he has been a regular participant at the Wasa Lake Triathlon and Vancouver Triathlon.
Keith has a Master of Arts in Theology (Regent College), Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology (University of Calgary), and a Bachelor of Religious Education (Alberta Bible College).